World Deaf Day 2006 – First Deaf Rally ever in India

Several special days have been marked in our calendar namely Teachers' Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Independence Day, etc. but has anyone in India every thought of marking the World Deaf Day like the other countries (like USA, UK, Sweden, etc.) do? Alas, the answer is no. There is no such a special day as World Deaf Day on any of Indian calendar.

Thus, Mr.Alok Kumar Kejriwal, Mr.Sunil Sahasrabudhe and I (Mr.Aqil Chinoy) planned the date 24th September as India's first World Deaf Day when all the deaf people walked out from darkness of ignorance and told the whole India via media that there SHOULD be a World Deaf Day in India.

For thie first time in India on the World Deaf Day, the Deaf Rally consisiting of few celebrities and around 800 Deaf people from several Deaf Schools and Associations attracted the Media as they marched peacefully holding the banners and slogans. There was a sensational feelings in the heart of the deaf people as they walked side by side, made new friends and communicated through Signs, their own natural language.

I, along with the Committee members of India Deaf Expo, wish to express our thanks to the following celebrities, sponsors, schools, association and all Deaf people for their active participation in the Deaf Rally.

Ms. Shaina NC Fashion Designer & Social Worker
Mr. Prahlad Kakkar Advertising Person
Mr. Ashok Pandit Activitst & Film Director
Mr. Anil Dharker Author & Social Activist

Percept Profile

Banners, Badges & Media Coverage
Parle Bisleri Pvt. Ltd. Mineral Water
Colaba Police Station Traffic Clearance & Security
Deaf Schools

The Stephen High School for Deaf & Aphasic - Dadar

Bombay Institution for Deaf & Mutes - Mazgaon
Pragati Vidyalaya for Deaf - Dadar
Nair Hospital School for Deaf - Grant Road
Sanskardham School for Hearing Impaired - Goregaon
Save the Children - Special Care Centre - Bandra
Vikas Vidyalaya for Hearing Handicapped - Dadar
Deaf Associations
India Deaf Society - Mumbai
Bombay Foundation of Deaf Women, Mumbai
Maharashtra Deaf Pride, Mumbai
Ishara Foundation, Mumbai
India Center for Human Rights & Laws (Hearing NGO), Mumbai
Navratri Navyuvak Mandal for the Deaf, Mumbai
Deaf Leader, Coimbatore